This is a course to help you take your first steps on this journey of learning this instrument!

Welcome to this adventure!!

Your Instructor

David Dias
David Dias

David Dias was born in São Paulo - Brazil, and from a very early age he was exposed to the art of music through his parents, who themselves were always active in the gospel music world. Since his early years, David showed interest for music, especially for the drums. At the age of 2, he would gather all kinds of kitchen utensils and create his own set, driving his parents and sister crazy! Every time his family would go to church, David would take the first seat so he could be closer to the drum set, and right after the service was over, his father would seat him on the throne, and he would play away, feeling like a king! Many were the ones who would said: “This kid will be a great drummer!”.

Later on, David created his first drum set and named it “ bate-lata”. Obviously the neighbors didn’t enjoy it a bit, for loud was the noise that came out of that set!

At 14, such was his passion for the drums, his father gave him his first real drum set, which he remembers gladly to this day, a crème colored penguin, which captivated David for hours every afternoon after school. His father worked as a music producer and had his own studio, and David certainly took advantage of that by spending hours there absorbing the knowledge of many great musicians such as the bass player Lau, and Renato Almeida and Albino Infantozzih , two great drummers whom David spent hours observing and then trying to repeat the intricate rhythms-a real self-learner indeed!

David’s career started out in church, and since then he has grown steadily, always working on his God given gift. He studied at ULM – Tom Jobim Free Music University, where he acquired a great deal of experience. Later on, he went on to perform many professional works in the studio for various artists.

Nowadays, David lives in the United States where he teaches at David Dias Drum School and play for many other artists as Regis Danese,Soraya Moraes,Cristina Mel,Robinson Monterio,Alda Célia,Sula Miranda,Mara Maravilha,Pr. Cirilo, Asaph Borba,André Paganelli,Joe Vasconcelos, Marquinhos Goes, Osiel Dias, Polyana Dias Nivea Soares and many others artists.


David Dias nascido em São Paulo – Brasil, desde a mais tenra idade, passou a conviver com a música,pois sua mãe e seu pai sempre se dedicaram a música gospel.

Ainda bem pequeno David demonstrava um enorme interesse por bateria. Com cerca de dois anos de idade, David costumava pegar as tampas das panelas, garfos e facas e fazer um enorme barulho simulando estar tocando bateria. Todas as vezes que íamos a igreja, ele ficava bem perto da bateria e assim que o culto acabava seu pai ia até lá e o colocava para tocar. Ele ficava todo radiante! E todos podiam prever o futuro dele: Vai ser um grande baterista!

Quando maior, criou sua própria bateria e colocou o nome dela de “bate-lata”. É  claro que os vizinhos não gostavam nem um pouquinho, porque era uma barulheira sem fim!

Aos quartoze anos anos David demonstrava uma paixão muito grande pelo instrumento, então  seu pai deu a ele uma bateria da marca pingüim na cor creme e em todas as tardes, depois da escola, ficava horas tocando.

Seu pai trabalhava como produtor musical e tinha seu próprio studio onde passava-se muitas horas produzindo músicas. David então, cresceu rodeado de grandes músicos, pelos quais tinha uma enorme admiração, dentre eles o baixista Lau, os bateristas Renato Almeida e Albino infantozzih, que serviram de auxilio, apoio e incentivo na sua formação musical. Ele ficava horas observando os músicos tocarem pra depois tentar tocar igual a eles. Na verdade, ele era autodidata.

David começou sua carreira tocando na igreja e daí em diante foi se aperfeiçoando. Estudou na ULM- Universidade Livre de Música Tom Jobim,onde obteve uma grande experiência musical; e depois profissionalmente, gravou músicas em studio.

Hoje ele reside nos Estados Unidos em Pompano Beach,Flórida, ensina bateria em seu studio,já realizou várias apresentações com artistas como Regis Danese,Soraya Moraes,Cristina Mel,Robinson Monterio,Alda Célia,Sula Miranda,Mara Maravilha, Pr. Cirilo, Asaph Borba,André Paganelli,Joe Vasconcelos, Marquinhos Goes, entre outros e realiza workshops.

Courses Included with Purchase

David Dias

Original Price: $0

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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